Monday, November 21, 2011

Excerpts from an interview

In this time period, science and logic are prevalent. Why do you think psychic readings are still a big part of our society despite that fact that there is no scientific backing?
First of all, science and logic do not explain everything.
The world is very unsettled and there are many questions unanswered, so people look to other ways to find answers.
The other important element to the interest in psychic intuition is the fact that physicists have found common links between physics and psychic energy. In the book/video
What the Bleep/Alice Down the Rabbit Hole, physicists show scientific evidence that “links science and spirituality in our everyday lives”. I am not a physicist by any stretch of the imagination, but the basic message is that everything is connected by energy, and therefore communication through energy is possible. Please check out the book, website or dvd for more clarification.   

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Excerpts from an Interview Part 2

What kinds of psychic questions are most common in readings with clients?

The most popular topics are contact with deceased, relationships, family issues, past lives, auras, spirit path, spirit guide, animal or pet energies,(living or deceased), career, work, and health questions.
Clients also ask me to describe their children's traits and future developments and interests.
To be clear, I do not believe in predictions as I feel that people create their own lives and make their own decisions. I will provide "future pictures" which are possible paths that may arise, but it is up to the individual to make their own decisions when faced with situations and events.